Join us for percussion auditions
Undergraduate audition days
- Friday, Feb. 14, 2025
- Friday, Feb. 21, 2025
- Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025
Submission deadline: All undergraduate applications must be submitted by Feb. 1, 2025
Graduate audition days
- Friday, Feb. 14, 2025
- Friday, Feb. 21, 2025
- Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025
Submission deadline: All graduate applications must be submitted by Dec. 1, 2024
Undergraduate percussion auditions
Preparation requirements
- The purpose of an audition is to demonstrate your talents, so choose literature that you are comfortable with and that you enjoy playing. Don’t try to play something that is too difficult for you. Play music that makes you sound great!
- Prospective percussion majors should prepare ALL Required material and as much of the Optional material as you are comfortable with that can fit within the 30 minute audition slot.
Mallet keyboard (required & optional material)
- A 4-mallet marimba solo or study of your choice to demonstrate musicianship and technique
- All major and minor scales, two octaves
- A 2-mallet solo work or an etude from a method book such as Modern School for Xylophone, Marimba, and Vibraphone by Morris Goldenberg, a xylophone solo by George Hamilton Green, or a movement from a work by J.S. Bach
- 2-mallet sightreading
- A second 4-mallet marimba or vibraphone solo in a contrasting style from the work above
- Demonstrate ability to improvise on a standard jazz or Blues composition on vibraphone, xylophone, or marimba
Snare drum (required & optional material)
- A solo or etude in concert style such as from Portraits in Rhythm by Anthony J. Cirone or Twelve Studies for Snare Drum by Jacques Delécluse
- Sightreading on concert snare
- A solo or etude in rudimental style such as from 14 Modern Contest Solos by John S. Pratt, or a solo from an Individuals Competition such as DCI or PASIC
- A solo in contemporary style such as A Minute of News by Eugene Novotney or SyNc by Gene Koshinski
Timpani (required)
- A standard work or study to demonstrate musicianship, such as from Musical Studies for the Intermediate Timpanist by Garwood Whaley, Modern Method for Tympany by Saul Goodman, or The Solo Timpanist by Vic Firth
Multi-percussion (optional)
- A standard work or study to demonstrate musicianship such as a movement from French Suite by William Kraft, etc.
Drumset (optional)
Optional for Percussion Majors:
- Demonstrate a variety of musical genres such as jazz, Blues, Latin, and Popular styles including playing time and solo fills in each style
- Demonstrate ability to play with a click track or metronome
- Sightreading of a standard big band arrangement
*Prospective Jazz Majors must perform a drumset audition for Jazz Faculty
Additional percussion instruments (optional)
- Demonstrate performance ability on the steel pan, the National Instrument of Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
- Demonstrate performance ability on percussion instruments from musical traditions of the world such as Middle Eastern, African, Indian, Afro-Cuban, Native American, Asian, or other.
Judging criteria
- Competency
- Technique
- When am I considered for scholarship?
- You are considered for scholarship at the time of audition
- When will I hear about my results?
- You will be notified via formal letter about your audition results and music scholarship results in early March
Graduate percussion auditions
Auditioning for the Graduate Program in Percussion at The University requires a pre-screening of candidates. Prospective graduate students should be in touch with Dr. Dan Moore prior to submitting links to pre-screening videos.
At a minimum, the pre-screen should include three (3) examples of mallet performances in contrasting styles (including both 2- and 4-mallet works), concert snare drum, and multi-percussion. Other desirable components include examples of chamber music, jazz, and world music performances as well as examples of conducting/coaching of ensembles, original compositions/arrangements, or examples of writing for marching percussion.
Preparation requirements
After passing the pre-screen, prospective graduate students are advised to come to campus for a live performance audition and interview. Prospective Teaching Assistants must interview in person.
Live auditions should include performances from the pre-screen videos as well as at least one work not included in the pre-screening. Orchestral Excerpts are not required for pre-screening or on-campus auditions.
Performances should demonstrate a variety of percussion skills such as keyboard, snare drum, timpani, multi-percussion, and drumset.
Judging criteria
- Competency
- Technique
- When am I considered for scholarship?
- You are considered for scholarship at the time of audition
- When will I hear about my results?
- You will be notified via formal letter about your audition results and music scholarship results in early March