Music Therapy

Our music therapy faculty conduct basic research on human response to music, assessment of therapeutic applications of music, and the evaluation of best practice in the professional preparation of music therapists. 

Areas of research interest for faculty include:

  • Music perception and enjoyment of adults and children who are deaf or hard of hearing, and who use special hearing devices (cochlear implants, hearing aids)
  • The use of music training to enhance speech perception of persons with cochlear implants
  • Examining the impact of musical training on the auditory pathway at the cortical level
  • Accommodations to enhance music education and music enjoyment for persons with hearing loss
  • Music-assisted relaxation to reduce post-operative pain
  • Music therapy to regulate behaviors in children with autism


Kirsten Nelson

Knott, D., Biard, M., Nelson, K., Epstein, S., Robb, S., Ghetti, C. (2020).

A survey of music therapists working in pediatric medical settings in the United States. Journal of Music Therapy, 57(1), 34-65. 

Nelson, K., Adamek, A., Kleiber, C. (2017).

Relaxation training and postoperative music therapy for adolescents undergoing spinal fusion surgery. Pain Management Nursing, 18(1), 16-23.


Robb, S., Clair, A., Watanabe, M., Monahan, P., Azzouz, F., Stouffer, J., Ebberts, A., Darsie, E., Whitmer, C., Walker, J., Nelson, K., Hanson-Abromeit, D., Lane, D., Hannah, A. (2008).

A non-randomized controlled trial of the active music engagement (AME) intervention on children with cancer. Psycho-oncology, 17(7):699-708. 

Dr. Abbey Dvorak

Landless, B., Dvorak, A. L., Hadley, S., Chou, J., Carlton, N., & Bradt, J. (2024).

Exploring a therapeutic songwriting program with three people experiencing homelessness and their communities through a cross-case analysis. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 92.

Dvorak, A. L. (2023).

Explanatory sequential investigation of music therapy practices for individuals with eating disorders. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 23, 102067.

Dvorak, A. L (2023)

Explanatory sequential investigation of music therapy practices for individuals with eating disorders. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 23, 102067

Dvorak, A. L., Landeck, L., Dyer, W., & Spiegel, D. (2022)

Dialectical behavior therapy skills training with music interventions for adults with severe mental illness.: A quasi-experimental nonequivalent control-group pilot study. Journal of Music Therapy, 59(3), 205-238.

Hernandez-Ruiz, E., & Dvorak, A. L. (2020)

Music and mindfulness meditation: Comparing four music stimuli composed under similar principles. Psychology of Music.

Dvorak, A. L., Davis, J., Bernard, G., Beveridge-Calvin, R., Monroe-Gulick, A., Thomas, P., Forstot-Burke, C. (2019)

Systematic review of course-based undergraduate research experiences: Implications for music therapy education. Music Therapy Perspectives.

Dvorak, A. L., & Boresow, E. (2018)

Using the adaptive use musical instrument (AUMI) in music therapy clinical practice. Music Therapy Perspectives.

Joplin, K., & Dvorak, A. L. (2016)

A survey exploring the current state of censorship in adult psychiatric music therapy practice. Music Therapy Perspectives.

Dvorak, A. L. (2015)

Music therapy support groups for cancer patients and caregivers: A mixed methods approach. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 21(1).

Dvorak, A. L. & Oddy, N. (2024)

AUMI and music therapy: Supporting independent musicking. In Improvising across abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the adaptive use musical instrument (AUMI). University of Michigan Press Social Justice Series. 

Dvorak, A. L. (2016)

Music Therapy Support Group Numerical Rating Scale. In PsychTESTS. American Psychological Association.

Chen, X., Kim, H. S., & Dvorak, A. L. (2024).

Education and training in the United States: A guide for international music therapy students. (Available in English, Korean, and Mandarin Chinese Translations). Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 24(3). 

Landless, B., Dvorak, A. L., Hadley, S., & Bradt, J. (2023).

Music therapy with people experiencing homelessness: A narrative review. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness.

Landless, B., Dvorak, A. L., Hadley, S., & Bradt, J. (2023)

Music therapy with people experiencing homelessness: A narrative review. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness.

Hernandez-Ruiz, E., & Dvorak, A. L., (2022)

Virtual scaffolded course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Music Therapy Perspectives, 41(1), 63-74. 

Hernandez-Ruiz, E., & Dvorak, A. L. (2020)

Music stimuli for mindfulness practice: A replication study. Journal of Music Therapy.

Dvorak, A. L., & Hernandez Ruiz, E. (2019)

Comparison of music stimuli to support mindfulness meditation. Psychology of Music.

Kim, B., & Dvorak, A. L. (2018)

Music therapy and intimacy behaviors of hospice family caregivers in South Korea: A randomized crossover clinical trial. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy.

Wells Staab, K., & Dvorak, A. L. (2018)

Perception of music therapy by direct care staff of older adults with intellectual disabilities. Music Therapy Perspectives.

Dakon, J., & Dvorak, A. L. (2014)

Teacher perceptions of memorization in string instructional settings: An exploratory study. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education.

The AUMI Editorial Collective (Braasch, J., Ciufo, T., Dvorak, A. L., Haaheim, K., Hurst, J., IONE, Leu, G. S., Miller, L., Mizu

Improvising across abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the adaptive use musical instrument (AUMI). University of Michigan Press Social Justice Series.

Dvorak, A. L. (2015)

Music Therapy Support Group Assessment Form. In PsychTESTS. American Psychological Association.

Lee, S. J., & Dvorak, A. L. (2023).

Therapeutic group singing for individuals with Parkinson’s disease: A conceptual framework. Music Therapy Perspectives, miad008.

Lee, S. J., & Dvorak, A. L. (2023).

Therapeutic group singing for individuals with Parkinson’s disease: A conceptual framework. Music Therapy Perspectives, miad008.

Lee, S. J., & Dvorak, A. L. (2023)

Therapeutic group singing for individuals with Parkinson’s disease: A conceptual framework. Music Therapy Perspectives, miad008

Dvorak, A. L., Hernandez-Ruiz, E., & Weingarten, K. M. (2021)

Course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE): Music education and music therapy student outcomes. Journal of Music Teacher Education.

Hernandez-Ruiz, E. & Dvorak, A. L. (2020)

Replication of a course-based undergraduate research experience for music students. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy.

Dvorak, A. L., & Hernandez Ruiz, E. (2019)

Outcomes of a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) for music therapy and music education students. Journal of Music Therapy.

Dvorak, A. L., Hernandez-Ruiz, E., Jang, S., Kim, B., Joseph, M., & Wells, K. E. (2017)

An emerging theoretical model of music therapy student development. Journal of Music Therapy, 10.1093/jmt/thx005.

Dvorak, A. L., & Tucker, S. (2017)

The adaptive use musical instrument (AUMI): A useful app for inclusive practice. Imagine, 8(1), 48-51.

Dvorak, A. L., Clark, S. Duarte, Y., & Landeck, L. (in progress)

Creative arts applications in DBT. In Advancing dialectical behavior therapy (Lauren Bonavitacola, Ed.). Springer Nature CBT Science into Practice Series. 

Dvorak, A. L., Haaheim, K., Mizumura-Pence, R., & Tucker, S. (2024)

Improvising inclusive communities: Shared reflections on the Jesse Stewart residency in Lawrence, Kansas, August 6-13, 2018. In The AUMI Editorial Collective (Ed). Improvising across abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the adaptive use musical instrument (AUMI). University of Michigan Press Social Justice Series.

Lee, S. J., Dvorak, A. L., & Manternach, J. (2024).

Outcomes of singing and semi-occluded vocal tract exercises for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Music Therapy, 61(2), 132-167.

Umeda, L. & Dvorak, A. L. (2023)

An integrative review of guitar teaching methods in music therapy education and training. Music Therapy Perspectives, miad006.

Bernard, G. & Dvorak, A. L. (2023)

Using music to address trauma with refugees: A systematic review and recommendations. Music Therapy Perspectives, 41(1), e30-43.

Dvorak, A. L., Hernandez-Ruiz, E., Nick, H. C., Qi, R., Smith, T. M., Alderete, C., Frieze, Z. N., Goergeson, K. K., Hatcliff, A

Student music stimuli composition in a scaffolded course-based undergraduate research experience. Dialogues in Music Therapy Education, 1(1), 1-32.

Hernandez-Ruiz, E., Dvorak, A. L., & Weingarten, K. (2020)

Music stimuli in mindfulness meditation: Comparison of musician and non-musician responses. Psychology of Music.

Dvorak, A. L., Schreiber, M., Goldschmidt, D., & Hingtgen, M. (2019)

Sun salutation. Intervention ideas: Imagine the potential, the 10th Anniversary Edition of Imagine. ISBN 978-0-578-56437-1. 

Dvorak, A. L. (2016)

A conceptual framework for group processing of lyric analysis interventions in music therapy mental health practice. Music Therapy Perspectives.

Dvorak, A. L., Maxson, J., & Knott, D. (2024)

Clinical applications using AUMI in music therapy practice. In The AUMI Editorial Collective (Ed). Improvising across abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the adaptive use musical instrument (AUMI). University of Michigan Press Social Justice Series.

Baumler, G., & Dvorak, A. L. (2023)

[Review of the book: The music therapy assessment manual: A guide to data-based decision making. Waldon, E. American Music Therapy Association]. Music Therapy Perspectives. 

Dvorak, A. L., Joplin, K., Sims, J., Goldsmith, R., Nickl, M., & Gillespie, M. (2017)

[Review of the book Music therapy in mental health for illness management and recovery, Silverman, M. J. Oxford University Press]. Journal of Music Therapy.

Dr. Kate Gfeller

Davis, W. B., Gfeller, K. E., & Thaut, M. B., (Eds.). (2008)

An introduction to music therapy: Theory and practice (3rd ed.). American Music Therapy Association.

Dr. Hae Sun Kim

Kim, H. (2024)

Auditory-Motor Mapping Training with an Autistic Child from a Bilingual Family. Music Therapy Perspectives, miae004.

Kim, H., Chen, X., & Dvorak, A. L. (2024)

Education and Training in the United States: A Guide for International Music Therapy Students. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 24(3).

Kim. H. (2022)

Online Simulation-Integrated Education for Hearing Loss in Older Adults: Applications in Music Therapy Education. (Publication No. 29322127) [Doctoral dissertation, The University of Iowa]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Kim. H. (2014)

The Effect of Auditory-Motor Mapping Training in Korean on the Speech Output of Children with Autism. (Publication No. 1552739741) [Master’s thesis, Colorado State University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Music therapy faculty

Portrait of Abbey Dvorak

Abbey Dvorak

Music Therapy
Associate Professor
Music Therapy Area Head
Portrait of Hae Sun Kim

Hae Sun Kim

Music Therapy
Assistant Professor
Portrait of Kirsten Nelson

Kirsten Nelson

Music Therapy
Assistant Professor of Instruction