Earn your MA in Music Education

Students pursuing the MA in Music Education choose either a practice-orientation or a research-orientation for the degree and select suitable courses in consultation with the coordinator for music education. Individuals who have already completed an undergraduate degree (most typically a BA or BM in music performance) and who wish to earn Iowa certification while concurrently pursuing the MA in Music Education can pursue the MA in Music Education + Certification.

Between one-third and two-thirds of the degree may be in music education courses. At least half of the credits must be in courses designated for graduate students only. The practice-oriented program emphasizes the extension of specialized performance and pedagogy competencies for music teachers. At least one-half of the curriculum will be in performance and/or pedagogy. A final project in performance and/or pedagogy is required.

The research-oriented program emphasizes theoretical studies and research projects in music education. At least one-half of the curriculum will be in music education research and the associated research areas. A thesis is required.

How to apply to the program

Application Procedures

Applicants to the MA in music education degree program must:

  • Be a certified music teacher or be in the process of completing certification requirements. A grade-point average on undergraduate and graduate work of 3.0 (A= 4.0), is required for admission to regular status.
  • Submit a resume of professional experience.

view full requirements and apply

Requirements and program planning

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This information is intended to assist in your course planning but is not intended to serve as an official guide to graduation requirements. To confirm progress toward graduation, you should consult your advisor.

Practice or research emphasis

Students pursuing the MA in Music Education choose either a practice-orientation or a research orientation and select suitable courses in consultation with the coordinator for music education. Between one-third and two-thirds of the degree may be in music education courses. At least half of the credits must be in courses designated for graduate students only. The total degree program requires 33 graduate credit hours.

The practice-oriented program emphasizes the extension of specialized performance and pedagogy competencies for music teachers. At least one-half of the curriculum will be in performance and/or pedagogy. A final project in performance and/or pedagogy is required.

The research-oriented program emphasizes theoretical studies and research projects in music education. At least one-half of the curriculum will be in music education research and the associated research areas. A thesis is required.

Music education courses

Music theory requirements

Review of Undergraduate Theory (MUS:5200): Required of all graduate students who do not pass the advisory examination in music theory. This course does not count toward graduate degree requirements.

Students exempt from MUS:5200 through the advisory examination in music theory must complete 3 semester hours from the following:

  • Counterpoint Before 1600 (MUS:4200), 3 semester hours
  • Counterpoint After 1600 (MUS:4201), 3 semester hours
  • Jazz Theory (MUS:4730), 3 semester hours
  • Tonal Analysis (MUS:5235), 3 semester hours
  • Non-Tonal Analysis (MUS:5236), 3 semester hours
  • Analysis of Popular Music (MUS:5237), 3 semester hours
  • Special Topics in Theory and Analysis (MUS:5240), 3 semester hours
  • History of Ideas in Music (MUS:6210), 3 semester hours
  • Theoretical Approaches to Music (MUS:6211), 3 semester hours
  • Theory Pedagogy (MUS:6215), 3 semester hours
  • Advanced Tonal Theory and Analysis (MUS:6250), 3 semester hours
  • Advanced Non-Tonal Theory and Analysis (MUS:6251), 3 semester hours
  • Advanced Theory and Analysis of Popular Music (MUS:6252), 3 semester hours

Music history requirements

Select 3 semester hours from the music history courses in the following list:

  • Music and Gender (MUS:4320), 3 semester hours
  • Medieval and Renaissance Music (MUS:4325), 3 semester hours
  • Baroque Music (MUS:4330), 3 semester hours
  • 18th-Century Music (MUS:4335), 3 semester hours
  • 19th-Century Music (MUS:4340), 3 semester hours
  • 20th-Century Music (MUS:4345), 3 semester hours
  • Advanced Jazz History (MUS:4350), 3 semester hours
  • American Music (MUS:4355), 3 semester hours
  • Jazz Matters (MUS:4360), 3 semester hours
  • Studies in Film and Music (MUS:4610), 3 semester hours
  • Teaching Music, History, and Culture (MUS:6305), 3 semester hours
  • Topics in Musicology (MUS:6310), 3 semester hours
  • Historical Approaches to Music (MUS:6312), 3 semester hours
  • Topics in Ethnomusicology (MUS:6314), 3 semester hours
  • Foundations of Ethnomusicology (MUS:6315), 3 semester hours
  • Renaissance Music Notations (MUS:6326), 3 semester hours
  • Music Editing (MUS:6375), 3 semester hours


Students may choose from pedagogy and literature courses in performance areas or participation in ensembles.

Music education courses

  • Introduction to Research in Music (EDTL:4640), 3 semester hours
  • Foundations of Music Education (EDTL:5610), 3 semester hours
  • Psychology of Music (EDTL:4630), 2 semester hours
  • Seminar: Current Topics in Music Education (EDTL:7600), 3 semester hours


  • 10 semester hours for thesis option
  • 12 semester hours for non-thesis option

Capstone project

  • Practice emphasis (non-thesis option)
    • IND Individual Projects in Music Education (EDTL:6600), 1 semester hour
  • Research emphasis (thesis option)
    • IND MA Thesis (MUS:6950), 3 semester hours

Final examination

The student schedules the final examination during the semester in which they plan to complete the degree. This twelve-hour written examination, which covers the areas of music theory, music history, and music education, is given over three days at approximately the middle of the fall or spring term.

Students are provided with guidelines for use in preparation for this examination. If all courses have been completed prior to the examination semester, candidates may register for Master’s Final Registration (000:001), which requires a 2 semester hour tuition and fees payment.

MA in Music Education + Certification

This program is designed for those individuals who have already completed an undergraduate degree (most typically a BA or BM in music performance) and who wish to earn Iowa certification while concurrently pursuing the MA in Music Education. Applicants must be admitted to the College of Education’s Teacher Education Program (TEP) as well as the Graduate College. Students with undergraduate degrees in areas other than music performance must complete basic coursework in music (i.e. music theory, music history, composition, lessons on a major instrument, etc.) in addition to the certification and MA requirements. Each student also must successfully complete a semester of student teaching.

This program will probably take at least five semesters of coursework to complete. Candidacy for the MA degree in music education is contingent upon completion of the certification requirements in the area of concentration (K-12 instrumental or vocal music) as well as the course requirements for the MA.

Transfer Credit

Of the 33 semester hour minimum required for the M.A., 24 s.h. must be completed at The University of Iowa. Nine hours of graduate coursework completed at other accredited graduate institutions may be accepted toward the degree if such credit duplicates required or elective coursework at The University of Iowa.

Teaching Assistantships

A limited number of teaching and research assistantships are available to students with K-12 school teaching experience. An on-campus interview is expected for applicants wishing to be considered for a teaching assistantship. Please contact the music education area head about scheduling. Students applying for assistantships should write to the music education area head for further details. Priority is given to applications received by February 1st. Applicants need to supply a copy of teaching certificate or documentation that a certificate can be obtained.

How to apply to the Music Education + Certification program

Application forms for the Teacher Education Program may be obtained from the College of Education’s Office of Teacher Education and Student Services. For graduate students seeking certification through the College of Education Teacher Education Program, the deadlines for submitting an application are March 1 for summer or fall-term enrollment and Oct. 1 for spring semester enrollment.

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Learn more about the MA + Certification program

I have a bachelor's degree in music. Can I become certified to teach without getting an advanced degree?

Students who do not wish to pursue a graduate degree may seek "special student" (non degree) status. They must apply to the College of Education's Office of Education Services.

Students who already have graduate standing must apply to the UI Graduate College for "certification only" and must apply separately for admission to the teacher education program.

Deadlines for application to the Graduate School are May 15, Sept. 15, or Feb. 15 for admission to restricted course work in the following semester.

Graduate and postbaccalaureate students may submit GRE scores instead of PRAXIS I scores.

I have a bachelor's degree in music, but without certification. Can I obtain a master of arts in music education?

Students seeking an MA must obtain graduate standing through the UI Graduate College and must apply separately for admission to the College of Education's Office Education Services.

Deadlines for application to the Graduate School are May 15, Sept. 15, or Feb. 15 for admission to restricted course work in the following semester.

Graduate and postbaccalaureate students may submit GRE scores instead of PRAXIS I scores.

Create your academic path

You'll find degree overviews, requirements, course lists, academic plans, and more to help you plan your education and explore your possibilities.

Current course list

The MyUI Schedule displays registered courses for a particular session and is available to enrolled students. The list view includes course instructors, time and location, and features to drop courses or change sections.

Add a minor

Any student admitted to a graduate degree program in the School of Music may add a theory pedagogy minor by completing the required courses.

Music education faculty

Portrait of Mary Cohen

Mary Cohen

Music Education
Portrait of Adam Harry

Adam Harry

Instrumental Music Education
Assistant Professor
headshot of Dr. Manternach

Jeremy Manternach

Choral Music Education
Associate Professor
Music Education Area Head

Practice and perform

Need to book a music room, request an accompanist, check out audition information, rent a locker, or use a recording studio? Visit the Music Callboard for all scheduling and policy information.