Honors in Music

Exceptional music majors who maintain a music grade-point average of at least 3.80 may participate in the School of Music's honors program. Students in either the BM or BA program are eligible. It is not necessary for students pursuing Honors in Music to be in the University Honors Program, although Honors in Music does satisfy the experiential learning component (“learning by doing,” or level two) of the University Honors Program. Graduation with Honors in Music requires the successful completion of at least 6 semester hours of honors work in music.

The requirements for Honors in Music are normally met in the junior or senior year. Students must earn a minimum of 3 semester hours in MUS:4995 (Honors in Music). Other hours may be earned by taking honors contract courses (normally upper-level courses, numbered MUS:3000-4999) or approved graduate courses (courses numbered MUS:5000 and above).

Honors projects for which credit is given in MUS:4995 include honors recitals (solo and/or ensemble); honors compositions (or transcriptions, orchestrations, arrangements); and honors essays, research papers, editions, or translations. Normally for honors recitals, a full recital receives 2 semester hours credit and a full recital accompanied by a paper or extensive program notes receives 3 semester hours credit. None of the projects may duplicate projects assigned in other courses, nor may they be required for graduation (e.g., MUS:4900, Senior Recital).  

Note: Students who choose to fulfill MUS:4995 with an honors recital must contract an academic course (taken a different semester) in order to complete the remaining honors credits.

Students who choose to fulfill MUS:4995 with an academic project (not an honors recital) must contract at least one graduate-level course (taken a different semester) to complete the remaining honors credits.

Getting approval for honors projects

All honors projects must be approved by both the supervising professor and John Manning, the School of Music Honors Advisor. The School of Music Honors Proposal form must be submitted to the School of Music Administrative Office at the beginning of the semester in which MUS:4995 Honors in Music work is planned. This form must be signed by the supervising professor and by the School of Music Honors Advisor.

Download Honors Proposal form

Turning a regular class into honors

Honors contract courses are regular courses with the addition of a significant project, substantially increasing the breadth or depth of learning. To turn a regular class into an honors class, the student must complete the following:

  • Arrange details with the instructor early in the semester
  • Submit a signed contract to the University Honors Program by the deadline
  • Complete the project as arranged
  • Receive a course grade of B- or better

If the student does not meet these conditions, the enrollment simply earns the usual credit and grade.

Honors students in music are also encouraged to take graduate-level courses. Advanced courses in music history and music theory are particularly recommended. Note:  No additional project will be required for any graduate level courses (MUS:5000 and above) but also no allowance for less work will be given either. The student will take the course "as is".  

When all music honors work is completed, or no later than the beginning of the student’s final semester, the "Log of Honors Work/Courses Completed" must be submitted to the School of Music Administrative Office. The application for Graduation with Honors is also due to the University Honors Program in about the fifth week of classes each semester. The form and deadlines are available on the University of Iowa Honors Program website.

Download Log Sheet

Students who graduate with honors in their majors receive special recognition during commencement, and both their transcripts and diplomas show honors designations.

For more information on pursuing Honors in Music, contact John Manning.

University of Iowa Honors Program

In addition to honors in the major, students may pursue honors study and activities through membership in the University of Iowa Honors Program. University honors students must maintain a 3.33 grade-point average, complete 12 semester hours of coursework designated as honors courses, and complete 12 semester hours of an experiential learning project. Visit Honors at Iowa to learn about the university's honors program.

NOTE: Membership in the UI Honors Program is not required to earn honors in the major.