Jeffrey Agrell
With his broad range of interests and abilities, associate professor of horn Jeffrey Agrell is a “hornist for all seasons.” As a performer/educator, he has performed and taught the full gamut of horn literature, including the repertoire for symphony orchestra, opera, musicals, ballet, operetta, solo, and chamber music, while stretching personal artistic boundaries beyond the orchestra as a composer, writer, clinician, recording artist, and solo performer.
He joined The University of Iowa School of Music faculty as a horn professor in 2000 after a first career as a symphony musician and has been very active as a guest artist and clinician, performing, giving workshops, masterclasses, and presentations at state, regional, national, and international workshops, festivals, and conferences. He is a two-term former member of the Advisory Council of the International Horn Society and has been a member of the faculty of the Asian Youth Orchestra (Hong Kong). In the summer he is on the faculty of the prestigious Kendall Betts Horn Camp in New Hampshire. His four CD recordings include “Repercussions” (horn and piano), “Side Show Tim” [Dane Records] with Cerberus (horn, tuba, trumpet), “Mosaic” [MSR Classics] with Duende (horn, cello, piano), and the most recent “Soundings” [MSR Classics], a unique combination of horn, percussion, and electronica.
Besides performing, Agrell has won awards as both a writer and composer, with seven published books and over one hundred published articles, plus many published compositions, which have been recorded on CDs, and performed worldwide on concert stages, and at competitions and festivals, as well as broadcast on TV and radio.
The UI Horn Studio has a full and lively palette of musical activities and opportunities, including lessons, seminar, horn choir, large and small ensemble playing, and thorough study of standard solo, orchestral, and chamber music repertoire. The Horn Studio regularly enjoys additional enrichment offered by guest artists. The atmosphere in the studio is very friendly, and there is seamless integration of undergraduate and graduate students.
All horn players are encouraged to visit the UI Horn Studio website, which, besides information on music at UI, also contains the most comprehensive set of (annotated) links on everything related to horn on the web, plus a lot more.
- Brass