Nicole Esposito

Woodwinds Area Head

A charismatic and versatile flutist, Nicole Esposito is the flute professor and head of the woodwind area at The University of Iowa School of Music. A renowned pedagogue, she is the recipient of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Collegiate Teaching Award and International Teaching Engagement Award from the University of Iowa, and also serves as a Permanent Visiting Professor at the University of Chile. Professor Esposito has achieved a career as a soloist, chamber and orchestral musician on an international level having been featured across the United States, Europe, Central and South America and Asia and is a sought-after master teacher at festivals, universities and conservatories around the world. Her current and former students are also active internationally as major competition prize winners, orchestral musicians, administrators, performers and teachers.

Professor Esposito holds degrees from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Michigan. She has published articles on, The Flutist Quarterly, Flute Focus and Flute Talk Magazines and can be heard on the Albany Records, MSR Classics and Con Brio Recordings labels.  Esposito’s most recent recordings include “Dancing in Dreams” and “Intersections” with Turkish harpist Çagatay Akyol, both released on MSR Classics. Her primary flute teachers include Jeanne Baxtresser, Amy Porter, Marianne Gedigian, Jennifer Steele, and Catherine Payne, with additional study with Mark Sparks, Alberto Almarza, and Doriot Anthony Dwyer. Nicole Esposito is Miyazawa Flutes, Burkart Piccolo, and LefreQue Performing Artist.  

Research areas
  • Woodwinds
Portrait of Nicole Esposito
Contact Information

University of Iowa
5006 Voxman Music Building (VOX)
93 East Burlington Street
Iowa City, IA 52240
United States