Don Coffman
Don Coffman was professor and area head of music education at The University of Iowa, having taught undergraduate courses in conducting and instrumental methods. His graduate courses included techniques for researching and measuring musical behaviors.
An active researcher in lifelong music learning, he has served on the editorial board of MENC’s Journal of Research in Music Education and MENC’s Music Education Research Council. He has chaired the Adult and Community Music Special Research Interest Group of MENC and the Community Music Activity Commission of the International Society for Music Education. His writings have appeared in the leading music education research journals and handbooks.
Professor Coffman directed the Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center New Horizons Band, which has provided an opportunity for "chronologically gifted" adults to learn or reacquaint themselves with wind and percussion instrumental music since 1995. In 2006 he was honored for his work with his New Horizons Band with three awards: The University of Iowa President's Award for State Outreach and Public Engagement, the State of Iowa Governor’s Volunteer Award, and the Outstanding Continuing Educator Award from the Johnson County chapter of AARP.
Professor Coffman holds degrees from Wichita State University (MME) and the University of Kansas (BME, PhD).